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Maintenance VoIP-System LZR (beendet)
From: 26.05.2021 / 11:00
To: 26.05.2021 / 12:00
Maintenance work will take place on the VoIP servers in the LZR on 26.05.2021 in the period from 11:00 to 12:00.

During this time, the VoIP phones will re-register on the redundancy servers, ongoing calls will not be interrupted. Settings (call forwarding, etc.) will remain unchanged. The presence function in the CTI client (Cisco Jabber) is not available during this time. After completion of the work, all phones register back to the primary servers in the LZR. If necessary, the Cisco Jabber client must be restarted manually to regain the full presence function.

The ISDN voice service is not affected.

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