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Software upgrade Datacenter network - ACI Fabric TRE (beendet)
From: 14.06.2021 / 07:00
To: 16.06.2021 / 07:00
Software upgrades of the ACI fabric in the TRE are scheduled for Monday, June 14, 2021. The controllers and switches will be upgraded one after the other. The upgrade is urgent to fix bugs as well as to commission new hardware.

The following times are scheduled:
- Mo, 14.06.: Upgrade controllers and swiches
- Tue, 15.06.: Buffer for necessary rework

Since TRE is currently running only redundant services and the research cloud, and all affected components are redundant, the work will take place during normal working hours. Barring unforeseeable accidents, there will be no prolonged service outages. Nevertheless, short-term disruptions cannot be ruled out.

In order to exclude interactions, no other changes (e.g. commissioning/shutdown of servers, OS upgrades, ACI configuration, creation of VMs, server restarts and the like) may be made during the time of the upgrades.

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