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Update: Conversion/extension of optical platform (Update from 20.09.21) (beendet)
From: 05.07.2021 / 10:00
To: 31.10.2021 / 00:00
Update 20.09.21:
On Wed. 29.09.2021 from 13:00 to 16:00 o'clock work will take place on the connection MAR<->LZR . Affected by this is:
redundant connection at the Marschnerstraße site (DÜR, LIZ, MAR, PEZ, WIK, BA Dresden, St.-Benno-Gymnasium)

Update 06.09.21:
On Mon. 13/09/2021 13:00 to 17:00 o'clock work will take place on the connections LZR<->F29 & F29<->UKD. Affected by this is:
redundant connection Fetscherstrasse 29 (F29).
The work will be carried out one after another, so that one of the two connections is always available. However, due to STP calculations, short network interruptions may occur when connecting and disconnecting the connections (usually hardly noticeable, a few seconds at most).

Update 21.07.21:
On Thursday 29.07.2021 from 10:00 to 11:00 o'clock work will take place on the connection BCU/CRT <-> LZR. Affected by this are:
redundant connection site Tatzberg (A18, BCU, BIZ, CRT, DZNE, UKD)

Update 08.07.21:
On Monday 19.07.2021 from 09:00 - 12:00 work will take place on the connection WEB <-> UKD/MRZ. Affected by this are:
redundant connection Marschnerstraße site (DÜR, LIZ, MAR, PEZ, WIK, BA Dresden, St.-Benno-Gymnasium)
redundant connection Weberplatz site (ABS, DRU, FVZ, L10, WEB, AG DSN, GHW, HTW, IÖR, SLUB branch library EW, Z41)
redundant connection Klinikum (Dresden Heart Center, SLUB Branch Library Medicine)
redundant connection Fetscherstraße 29 (F29)
redundant data center connection of the UKD
redundant data center connection of the MPI-CPG

Original announcement:
The optical platform of the TU Dresden is to be expanded for future requirements. To this end, a number of changes will be made to the sites connected via leased optical fibers over the next few months and optical components will be replaced. These connections lead from the central campus to the locations Weberplatz, Marschnerstraße, Tatzberg, Fetscherstraße 29, Medical Faculty, University Hospital, as well as the data center connections of the UKD and the MPI-CPG.

Since only one of the redundant connections of the sites or buildings is being built at a time, there should be no outages - barring unforeseeable events. If, however, measures should become necessary that require an interruption of the network connection, this will be announced separately.

The first reconstruction will take place on Mon. 05.07.2021 from 10:00 - 12:00 on the TRE <-> MAR connection. Affected by this are:
redundant connection Marschnerstraße site (DÜR, LIZ, MAR, PEZ, WIK, BA Dresden, St.-Benno-Gymnasium)
redundant connection Weberplatz site (ABS, DRU, FVZ, L10, WEB, AG DSN, GHW, HTW, IÖR, SLUB branch library EW, Z41)
redundant connection Tatzberg site (A18, BCU, BIZ, CRT, DZNE, UKD)
redundant connection of the hospital (Dresden Heart Center, SLUB Branch Library Medicine)
redundant data center connection of the UKD

All other dates will be announced in good time via the ZIH operating status (https://betriebsstatus.zih.tu-dresden.de).

If you have any questions in advance or if you notice any failures of the network connection on the respective days, please contact - preferably via your administrator:
Mathias Bünger, mathias.buenger@tu-dresden.de, Tel: 0351/463-38437
Christoph Fleck, christoph.fleck@tu-dresden.de, Tel: 0351/463-34275 o. -41277

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