Dienste des ZIH
Backup Datennetz Exchange Hochleistungsrechnen Internet-Anbindung
Lizenz-Server Login Shibboleth Software-Verteilung

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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Maintenance work Secure Mail Gateway on 13.07.2021 (beendet)
From: 13.07.2021 / 08:00
To: 13.07.2021 / 13:00
On Tuesday, 13.07.21, the Secure Mail Gateway (smgw.zih.tu-dresden.de) will not be available
from 8 am to 1 pm due to extensive maintenance work for the automated sending of digitally signed e-mails. If no unforeseen difficulties delay the resumption of operations, from 13.07.21, 1pm
the Secure Mail Gateway will be running normally again. Many ZIH services send their mails via the Secure Mail Gateway. Missing mails and delayed deliveries are to be expected during this period.

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