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Update: Conversion backbone router WEB (beendet)
From: 13.12.2021 / 00:00
To: 17.12.2021 / 00:00
As the Faculty Council of Educational Sciences is meeting online during the 2nd conversion date on Wed. Dec. 15th 2021, the planned switching of the WEB building connection and the reconnection of some switches in the WEB will NOT be carried out on this day. A follow-up date will not take place until next year and will be announced again separately.
All other building connections will be switched to the new routers as planned on Dec. 15th from 16:00 - 18:00 o'clock.

Please inform the persons in your area of responsibility.

Original message:
In the Weberplatz, the switchover to the new Nexus backbone routers will take place. Subject to unforeseeable events, this will result in brief network interruptions. This also affects general networks such as WLAN/Wi-Fi or VoIP telephony.

The following buildings are affected by this measure:
- August-Bebel-Strasse - ABS20, ABS30, ABS32/FVZ, sports hall, teaching kitchen
- Drude building - DRU
- Weberplatz - WEB
- Guest house Weberplatz - GHW
- Health service, Fritz-Löffler-Straße 10a - L10
- Institute for Ecological and Spatial Development - IÖR
- SLUB Branch Library EW - SLUBEW

The change will take place in two steps:
Mon. 13.12.2021 16:00 - 18:00: Switching of the VLAN interfaces - this will result in a short interruption of the respective VLAN/network (approx. 1 min.). All VLANs/networks behind a ZIH firewall have already been moved and are not affected by this.

Wed. 15.12.2021 16:00 - 18:00: Switching of the building connections - this will result in a short interruption of all VLANs/networks in the respective building (approx. 1-5 min.). In addition, some switches in the WEB will be switched to the aggregator switch, so that there may be several short interruptions in the WEB.

Mathias Bünger (mathias.buenger@tu-dresden.de) is available as contact person for the process.
Please inform the persons in your area of responsibility.

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