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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


VoIP Certificate Renewal (beendet)
From: 06.04.2022 / 09:00
To: 06.04.2022 / 23:00
Some certificates of the VoIP system expire in April and need to be renewed.
Therefore, maintenance work will take place on 06.04.2022 in the time from 09:00 to 23:00.
Preparatory work will take place during office hours, necessary multiple restarts of servers and phones will take place outside office hours from 18:00. The use of voice services will be limited during this time, as the restarts will also affect the accessibility of the ISDN PBX system.
It is urgently recommended to keep all telephones active (plugged in) and WLAN telephones switched on and registered at the charger so that the required certificate change can be performed. Telephones with outdated certificates can no longer be used without a manual reset to factory settings.

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