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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Update VoIP-System (beendet)
From: 19.08.2022 / 00:00
To: 24.08.2022 / 18:00
A maintenance and security update is required for the VoIP system. For this purpose, a "Frozen Zone" will be introduced on 19.08.2022. No changes to the system will take place during this time. On 22.08.2022 to 24.08.2022, the gradual update of all servers in the cluster will take place. During this process, the phones will re-register to the redundancy servers multiple times, ongoing calls will not drop out. The voicemail system will be unavailable for a short time (several minutes), but messages will not be lost. Only limited use of the softphones issued on a test basis will be possible on 23.08.2022 from 09:00. The user portals for VoIP phones and voicemail will be temporarily unavailable. The contact center (ACD) being tested will also be of limited use during this time.

If the Cisco Desk phone gets stuck in the registration process for a long time afterwards, please follow the instructions in the FAQ of the ticket system at: https://otrs.zih.tu-dresden.de/otrs/customer.pl?Action=CustomerFAQExplorer;CategoryID=21

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