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External maildelivery not possible - Update (beendet)
From: 05.11.2018 / 09:00
To: 05.11.2018 / 20:00
Since sunday the external maildelivery is not possible.
Send mails will be accepted by the mail server but will not be delivered worldwide to their reecipients.
Only internal mails work.
The server will inform you some hours later about the problem and stops to transmit the send mails after 2 days of failure.
You have to send them again later.
The ZIH is working on a solution.

Update: The problem has now been solved.

Note: All emails sent between 2.11. 19:25 and 3.11. 10:26 could not be processed because the delivery time of 2 days has expired.
These emails must be resent.

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