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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


eduroam Zertifikatstausch am 2.7.2019 18:00 Uhr (beendet)
From: 02.07.2019 / 06:00
To: 02.07.2019 / 22:00
​Each service authenticates itself to the user using certificates. The certificates of the TU Dresden receive their trust position by a root certificate of the Deutsche Telekom AG, which is pre-installed on most end devices. Two root certificates currently exist in parallel, the oldest of which expires on July 9, 2019. Many services have already been able to exchange certificates without noticeable impairments. The WLAN of the TU Dresden currently works with both certificates in order to be able to continue to allow automatic connections. From 2.7.2019, 18:00 clock, the registration over the old certificate will no longer be possible. To avoid this interruption, every user can already change his configuration today using the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT tool) (see https://tu-dresden.de/eduroamumstellung). This certificate exchange will then also go unnoticed.

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