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Stromabschaltung Tillich-Bau (beendet)
From: 22.07.2019 / 07:00
To: 22.07.2019 / 09:00
On 22.07.2019, 7 a.m. to approx. 9 a.m., the main power distribution in the Tillich building must be switched off due to the removal of animal carcasses. This leads to an interruption of the power supply in the entire building.

Please be aware that:
- During the power cut, the entire electrical system must be regarded as live.
- Within the specified switch-off time, the voltage may return several times and be switched off again.
- If systems are operated via EMERGENCY/STOP shutdown, they may have to be switched on again manually.
- No network connection (LAN/WLAN) is available for the entire time
- The VOIP/ISDN systems cannot be used
- The system users must ensure that the function of their technology is restored without restriction after a voltage recovery.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Department 4, Department 4.5.3

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