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Data network (LAN & WLAN) and telephony failure (beendet)
From: 29.10.2019 / 08:00
To: 30.10.2019 / 08:00
On 29.10.2019, 8 am to approx. 4 pm, the von Mises-Bau transformer station will be switched off due to electrical work on the 10 kV ring. This leads to an interruption of the power supply in the test halls and in the laboratory building (building number 1473). The main building (building number 1471) is not affected by the power failure.

The power cut in the VMB has the consequence that the data network (LAN & WLAN) as well as the telephony there fail within the period mentioned.

Since cooling, heating and ventilation function in a network, there are also failures of the same in building S7A and in the main building of the VMB. However, the cooling system in the hydraulic engineering hall and road construction laboratory remains in operation.

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