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Security update of the decentralized firewall at the locations ZEU, BAR, TRE, WEB, MAR (beendet)
From: 29.10.2019 / 16:45
To: 29.10.2019 / 23:45
On Tuesday, October 29th 2019, a software of the decentralized firewalls at the following locations will be updated between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m.:
- Zeuner building
- Barkhausen building
- Trefftz building
- Weberplatz
- Marschnerstraße

Except at the Weberplatz and Marschnerstraße sites, the firewalls are redundant and there should be no failure of the data network at the affected virtual firewalls if standby IP addresses are configured for the data networks.

At the Weberplatz and Marschnerstraße locations, the data networks connected to the virtual firewalls fail during the update.

The list of affected buildings can be found at this site:

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