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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Failure of the voicemail system (phone number 80001) (beendet)
From: 15.11.2019 / 14:29
To: 16.11.2019 / 14:29
Due to a hardware defect of the old voicemail system in VoIP (phone number 80001), it is currently not possible to leave or retrieve voice messages from users of this system.
Affected users will be specifically addressed by the ZIH via e-mail, but can also contact the Service Desk (servicedesk@tu-dresden.de) directly (specifying surname, first name, ZIH login (or function login) and telephone number for which the answering machine is required).
The user then receives a new voicemail box on the new voicemail system, as the old voicemail system can no longer be put back into operation economically.

Please note that the Service Desk is also affected by this malfunction and therefore no announcement is currently made.

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