Dienste des ZIH
Backup Datennetz Exchange Hochleistungsrechnen Internet-Anbindung
Lizenz-Server Login Shibboleth Software-Verteilung

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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Conditional switch-off of the Digital ID Card (Shibboleth) (beendet)
From: 03.06.2020 / 08:00
To: 12.06.2020 / 17:00
On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, the repeated request for permission to transmit data to TU-internal service providers (Digital ID Card) will be switched off. This means that consent will then only be required once when logging on to a service for the first time, otherwise the user will be forwarded directly to the selected service. In order to be able to continue to offer users the global logout, which up to now could be triggered via the Digital ID Card, a page is provided in the Self Service Portal (https://selfservice.zih.tu-dresden.de/) of the ZIH: "Logout of Web Applications (Shibboleth-Logout)"

If you encounter logout problems with services in your area of responsibility, please contact the service desk.

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