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IDM - Moving organizations (structure tree) (beendet)
From: 09.02.2021 / 17:00
To: 09.02.2021 / 21:00
On 09.02.2021 urgently required changes to organizational units in the structure tree of the TU Dresden will be made. As part of the changeover, among other things, organizational nodes will be moved from one parent within the tree to another.

Affected by the change are:
- 15 organizational nodes, with a total of 99 sub-organizational nodes.
- 1,367 ZIH accounts and 4 groups (as of 01/20/2021).

The following organizations are affected:

10000540 [P. Neuroimaging]
10000503 [P. Neutronenspektroskopie kond. Materie]
10000502 [P. Physik der Quantenmaterialien]
10003115 [Entschlüsselung Neokortex-Entwickl(NFoG)]
10002676 [STP Baumaschinen (VDMA BuB/FVB)]
10002486 [SG 7.1 Strategie]
10002176 [Zentrum für Integrationsstudien (ZfI)]
10002104 [Studienbüro Bereich GSW]
10001843 [P. Systemleichtbau und Mischbauweisen]
10000936 [P. Fluid-Mechatronische Systemtechnik]
10000630 [Kirchengeschichte (evangelisch)]
10001318 [Dezernent Planung und Organisation]
10001236 [Center f.MolecularBioengineering(B Cube)]
10001230 [Center for Regenerative Therapies (CRTD)]
10001202 [Biotechnologisches Zentrum (BIOTEC)]

The moves will result in the following impacts to IDM system data and connected target systems:

1. Moves of organizational nodes with all sub-organizations therein.
All target systems that use the organization tree, e.g. to map hierarchies or authorizations, are affected by these changes. (Exchange address book, central IDM OpenLDAP or Active Directory DOM).

2. Update the ZIH accounts that are assigned to the affected organizations.
These ZIH accounts will be without organization mapping for the entire duration of the move. After the organizational nodes are moved, all affected ZIH accounts will be updated and assigned to the correct organizational unit. During the move, there may be short-term disruptions in the affected target systems. Affected ZIH accounts may be temporarily unable to access certain resources. Even after the move is complete, manual rework may be required in the target systems if, for example, an organizational node is moved out of the authorization context of the target system. This is then not an error, but rather a protection mechanism to avoid unauthorized access.

3. Dynamic base groups whose group filter points directly to one of the affected organizations will lose their group members for the duration of the move, because the affected ZIH accounts will be without organization permissions during the move (see point 2). These group members will be reassigned to groups after the move. If there are still authorization problems after the move of all organizations, we ask you to check their group formation rules and adjust them if necessary. In individual cases, it may be useful and necessary to create a new group for the moved organizational units.


Based on current planning, we do not anticipate any complications and hope to complete the move quickly and as unnoticeably as possible for you and the users.
If you have any questions about the move, or if you experience any problems after the move, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Thank you for your understanding and best regards,
Your IDM Team

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