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Relocation infrastructure-vCenter for location independence (beendet)
From: 26.04.2021 / 10:30
To: 27.04.2021 / 14:00
On Monday, April 26, 2021, between 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., the vCenter instances vc-infrastructure-lzr.zih.tu-dresden.de and vc-infrastructure-tre.zih.tu-dresden.de will be moved to the respective locations of the managed infrastructure clusters at LZR and Trefftz-Bau. This ensures that a failure of one cluster does not affect the operation of the remaining cluster.

During the period of the work, the mentioned vCenter instances for managing the infrastructure VMs will not be accessible. However, in an emergency, VMs can be restarted or the VM consoles accessed via the web interfaces of the ESXi hosts.

VM operation is not affected by the downtime of the vCenter instances.

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