Dienste des ZIH
Backup Datennetz Exchange Hochleistungsrechnen Internet-Anbindung
Lizenz-Server Login Shibboleth Software-Verteilung

Weitere zentrale Dienste der TUD

Abgelaufene Ankündigungen / Meldungen

1 .. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 .. 81

Update Virtualization VoIP Server LZR (beendet)
From: 22.01.2020 / 13:00
To: 22.01.2020 / 15:00

On Wednesday, 22.01.2020 from 13:00 to 15:00, there will be maintenance work on the servers of the VoIP system at LZR.

Note: Active calls will not be interrupted. All VoIP telephones in idle mode will re-register to the... [mehr]

Malfunction Horde (beendet)
From: 21.01.2020 / 09:09
To: 21.01.2020 / 10:08

There is currently a malfunction at Horde (Unixmail).
The responsible colleagues have been informed and are working on fixing the problem.

Fault OTRS (beendet)
From: 21.01.2020 / 09:38
To: 21.01.2020 / 10:08

The ticket system is currently unable to send reply messages because the offending mail server is not responding.
Messages from the ticket system are not collected and then sent when it is possible again.
That means:
- Please... [mehr]

Security Update Firewall Software LZR, THA, CMCB (beendet)
From: 15.01.2020 / 17:00
To: 15.01.2020 / 23:00

​A Software update is planned on 15.01.2020 on :
LZR, Tharandt, CMCB firewalls

Security update firewall software at the ZEU, BAR, TRE, WEB, MAR locations and on the VPN gateways (beendet)
From: 13.01.2020 / 17:00
To: 13.01.2020 / 23:00

​Firewall software updates are planned on 13.01.2020 5:00 - 11:00 p.m. in these areas:
VPN tunnel gateway for the branch offices connected via DSL

Maintenance IDM-Tools (beendet)
From: 07.01.2020 / 10:00
To: 07.01.2020 / 12:00

​On today's IDM Patchday, maintenance work will take place on the IDM Tools Portal. The service will be temporarily unavailable until the maintenance work is completed.

Maintenance Exchange-Cluster (beendet)
From: 18.12.2019 / 12:00
To: 20.12.2019 / 16:00

Due to scheduled maintenance on individual Exchange servers, there may be brief interruptions in the connection between the mail client and the server. The connection is automatically rebuilt after a short time. The sending and... [mehr]

Data network failure HEM on 18.12.2019 (beendet)
From: 17.12.2019 / 18:00
To: 18.12.2019 / 18:00

Due to the renewal of the network components, all switches in the Hempel building will be replaced on 18.12.2019 from 9 am to approx. 4 pm. As a result, the data network (LAN and WLAN) and VoIP telephony will fail during this... [mehr]

Replacement of defective FC switch (beendet)
From: 03.12.2019 / 08:00
To: 03.12.2019 / 15:00

Due to a defect in a SAN switch, it must be completely replaced. During this time, the backup server, archive server, and SLUB LZA server are not available.

Firmware/Operating System Upgrade NetApp LZR Part 2 (beendet)
From: 03.12.2019 / 08:00
To: 03.12.2019 / 12:00

On Tuesday, December 3, 2019, the firmware and operating system statuses of the other NetApp components in the LZR will be updated.

There will be no mechanical modifications.

All paths are designed to be redundant, so that... [mehr]

Maintenance work Exchange cluster (beendet)
From: 25.11.2019 / 14:00
To: 29.11.2019 / 17:00

Due to scheduled maintenance on individual Exchange servers, there may be brief interruptions in the connection between the mail client and the server. The connection is automatically rebuilt after a short time. The sending and... [mehr]

Firmware/Operating System Upgrade NetApp LZR Part 1 (beendet)
From: 26.11.2019 / 08:00
To: 26.11.2019 / 14:00

On Tuesday, November 26, 2019, the firmware and operating system statuses of the NetApp components in the LZR will be updated. A possible continuation will take effect one week later.

There will be no mechanical... [mehr]

Failure of the voicemail system (phone number 80001) (beendet)
From: 15.11.2019 / 14:29
To: 16.11.2019 / 14:29

Due to a hardware defect of the old voicemail system in VoIP (phone number 80001), it is currently not possible to leave or retrieve voice messages from users of this system.
Affected users will be specifically addressed by the... [mehr]

Firmware update on the tape library in the Trefftzbau (beendet)
From: 12.11.2019 / 06:00
To: 13.11.2019 / 06:00

Due to a necessary firmware update on the tape library in the Trefftzbau, the backup/archive and SLUB LZA service will be available on November 12, 2019 from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. only to a limited extent or not at all.

Login-Server not available (beendet)
From: 06.11.2019 / 12:10
To: 08.11.2019 / 13:00

The login server login.zih.tu-dresden.de is down. We are working on the
restoration of the service.

Power failure tests Biology (beendet)
From: 05.11.2019 / 00:00
To: 06.11.2019 / 12:00

On 06.11.2019, between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., power failure tests will be carried out for the emergency generator.
The power cut in the BIO results in a breakdown of the data network (LAN & WLAN) as well as the telephony during... [mehr]

Power cut, failure of data network (LAN & WLAN) and telephony (beendet)
From: 05.11.2019 / 07:00
To: 05.11.2019 / 16:00

On 05.11.2019, in the time between 7.00 a.m. and 9.00 a.m., power failure tests will be carried out for the emergency generating set. Therefore, there are repeated short-term power failures during this time.

The following... [mehr]

Umzug DFN-Internet Anschluss DRE (beendet)
From: 04.11.2019 / 09:00
To: 04.11.2019 / 16:00

On Monday, 04.11.2019, between 10:00 and 14:00 the DFN-Internet cluster access line DRE at TRE will be moved to a different router. During the migration the second DFN-Internet cluster access line DRN at LZR will remain active... [mehr]

Telefoneinwahl Campus Tharandt gestört (beendet)
From: 25.10.2019 / 14:45
To: 03.11.2019 / 14:45

Derzeit ist die telefonische Einwahl in die TU Dresden am Standort Tharandt (035203) 38-xxxxx gestört.
Ausgehende Gespräche von Tharandt in das öffentliche Amt werden deshalb über Dresden (0351) 463-xxxxx... [mehr]

Data network (LAN & WLAN) and telephony failure (beendet)
From: 29.10.2019 / 08:00
To: 30.10.2019 / 08:00

On 29.10.2019, 8 am to approx. 4 pm, the von Mises-Bau transformer station will be switched off due to electrical work on the 10 kV ring. This leads to an interruption of the power supply in the test halls and in the laboratory... [mehr]

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::. grafische History .::

1 .. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 .. 81