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Abgelaufene Ankündigungen / Meldungen

1 2 3 4 .. 87

Service Desk only available to a limited extent, media technology lending and e-learning support not available (beendet)
From: 05.09.2024 / 06:00
To: 05.09.2024 / 20:00

Due to ‘Project Day’, the Service Desk will only be staffed to a limited extent on Thursday, 5 September 2024. Opening and service hours start at 8:00 am and end at 4:30 pm. On-site support for devices cannot be... [mehr]

Maintenance of virtualization environment Enterprise Cloud in the LZR (beendet)
From: 05.09.2024 / 09:00
To: 05.09.2024 / 12:00

On Thursday, 05.09.2024, maintenance work will be carried out in the virtualisation environment Enterprise Cloud in the LZR from 9 am to probably 12 pm. During this time, VM management in the self-service portal and the vSphere... [mehr]

Maintenance work VoIP system (beendet)
From: 03.09.2024 / 09:00
To: 04.09.2024 / 18:00

On 03.09.2024 and 04.09.2024, maintenance work will be carried out on the TU Dresden VoIP system from 09:00 a.m. onwards.
As part of the work, the VoIP telephones will re-register several times on the redundancy servers. Existing... [mehr]

Thunderbird e-mail sending restricted (beendet)
From: 04.09.2024 / 13:06
To: 04.09.2024 / 16:30

There are currently restrictions on sending emails via Thunderbird.

Please use the option to send urgent emails via https://msx.tu-dresden.de.

We are already working on a solution, please be patient.

Replacement of defective UPS in the KRO (beendet)
From: 04.09.2024 / 07:30
To: 04.09.2024 / 11:00

On Wednesday, 4 September 2024, repair work will be carried out on the UPS in the Kronebau between 07:30 and 11:00.

The entire data network (LAN and WLAN) and telephony are expected to be down from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

[Videocampus Sachsen] Maintenance work 02-SEP-2024, 4 pm - 04-SEP-2024, 9 am (beendet)
From: 02.09.2024 / 16:00
To: 04.09.2024 / 09:00

On 03-SEP-2024, the Videocampus Saxony, VCS, will be updated to version ViMP 5.8.1.

For this purpose, from Tuesday, 03-SEP-2024, 4 pm, to Wednesday, 10-JAN-2024, 9 am,
maintenance work and data migrations necessary in the... [mehr]

Service Desk only available by phone to a limited extent (beendet)
From: 03.09.2024 / 17:41
To: 03.09.2024 / 18:31

As a result of the telephone and network disruption, the Service Desk is only available to a limited extent

Fault VPN, network connection (Dyport), telephony (beendet)
From: 03.09.2024 / 17:37
To: 03.09.2024 / 18:30

Currently, dialling into VPN, connections to the network (via cable) and in some cases telephony (VoIP telephones cannot register) are disrupted. Our colleagues are working flat out to rectify the fault

Limited e-mail access (beendet)
From: 03.09.2024 / 09:47
To: 03.09.2024 / 10:47

There are currently restrictions when accessing emails via https://msx.tu-dresden.de, Thunderbird or Outlook.

We are already working on a solution, please be patient.

Virtualization TRE is not available (beendet)
From: 03.09.2024 / 09:43
To: 03.09.2024 / 10:45

There are currently restrictions for Research Cloud, Enterprise Cloud and Backup Server, among others.

We are already working hard on a solution, so please be patient.

[Update] Internet / tu-dresden.de not available (beendet)
From: 03.09.2024 / 08:10
To: 03.09.2024 / 09:33

[Update] 09:10 The issue is solved, some services still need some time.

At the moment there are issues while using the internet and with reaching pages like @tu-dresden.de via internet.

We are already working on a solutin,... [mehr]

Failure of the UPS in the Kronebau (beendet)
From: 23.08.2024 / 12:30
To: 03.09.2024 / 07:39

The UPS in the Krone building is defective, so there is no UPS support for all data network components (including telephony) in the event of power failures until further notice.

[Update] ShareLatex / Overleaf restrictions (beendet)
From: 02.09.2024 / 08:20
To: 02.09.2024 / 12:00

[Update] 09:45 The service is available again.

There are currently restrictions on the use of ShareLatex / Overleaf.

We are already working hard on a solution, please be patient.

Matrix restrictions (beendet)
From: 02.09.2024 / 09:20
To: 02.09.2024 / 09:43

The Matrix chat service is currently experiencing delays. A solution is being worked on at full speed.

ShareLatex restrictions (beendet)
From: 08.08.2024 / 15:21
To: 30.08.2024 / 12:00

Due to a high load on the system, there are longer times when translating documents and errors when uploading and downloading. Please switch off the automatic translation processes if necessary and translate as required.

Thank... [mehr]

E-Mail: Delivery to Google mailboxes disrupted (beendet)
From: 29.08.2024 / 12:00
To: 30.08.2024 / 11:57

There are currently delivery problems to mailboxes hosted by Google, e.g. gmail.com. This is caused by disconnections to the Google mail servers.
This means that messages can often only be delivered after many attempts and are... [mehr]

Maintenance of virtualization environments in the LZR (beendet)
From: 29.08.2024 / 09:00
To: 29.08.2024 / 17:00

On Thursday, 29.08.2024, maintenance work will be carried out in the virtualisation environments in the LZR from 9 am to probably 2 pm. During this time, VM management in the self-service portal and the vSphere Web Client will not... [mehr]

VPN restrictions (beendet)
From: 29.08.2024 / 09:00
To: 29.08.2024 / 14:00

Update 11:10 a.m. : There are still isolated restrictions, and we are currently working hard to resolve them.

Update: The service can be used in full again.

Unfortunately, there are currently restrictions on the use of VPN,... [mehr]

No login to the HPC cluster possible (beendet)
From: 28.08.2024 / 15:00
To: 29.08.2024 / 07:37

The home file system has crashed, so it is currently not possible to log in to the HPC clusters.
We are working flat out to rectify the fault.

Commissioning of new radius server for Dyport and VPN (beendet)
From: 28.08.2024 / 16:00
To: 28.08.2024 / 17:00

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, new radius servers for Dyport and VPN will be
put into operation from 16:00 to 17:00. During this time, the Dyport portal
(https://dyport.zih.tu-dresden.de) will not be available. From 16:30 to... [mehr]

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