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Matrix: Element Desktop for WINDOWS crashes, 13.03.2025 from 18:30 [UPDATE] (beendet)
From: 13.03.2025 / 18:30
To: 27.03.2025 / 18:30

The recently released version 1.11.94 of Element Desktop for Windows crashes after opening.

Downloading and installing again will solve the problem.

The previous version of... [mehr]

System Updates Backup Server, 26.03. 07:00 Uhr - 27.03. 16:00 Uhr (beendet)
From: 26.03.2025 / 07:00
To: 27.03.2025 / 16:00

Due to system updates, the backup servers b50, b51, b52 temporary are not available.

Operating system upgrade on Dyport VM, 27.03.25, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr (beendet)
From: 27.03.2025 / 10:00
To: 27.03.2025 / 11:00

The VM on which the Dyport portal runs will be updated to Debian 12. Therefore, the portal will be at least partially unavailable during this period.

Only the frontend is affected, registered MAC addresses etc. will continue to... [mehr]

Outage network connection Z48, 26.03.2025 08:00 – 09:00 (beendet)
From: 26.03.2025 / 08:00
To: 26.03.2025 / 09:00

The Z48 connection may be unavailable in the period 26.03.2025 08:00 – 09:00 up to 20min due to DLR maintenance work.

Reconfiguration SAN infrastructure, 24-MAR-2025 07 a.m. - 28-MAR-2025 4 p.m. (beendet)
From: 24.03.2025 / 07:00
To: 25.03.2025 / 16:00

The fiber channel-based part of the storage network (SAN) is being converted.
This means that services such as TSM backup, archive, HSM or SLUB-LZA are restricted or unavailable.

Both physical and logical changes will be... [mehr]

Maintenenace Backup Server, 25.03.25, 07:00 - 16:00 Uhr (beendet)
From: 25.03.2025 / 07:00
To: 25.03.2025 / 16:00

The backup server environment will be completely shut down on 25.03.25. All systems will be updated. Infrastructure systems can be updated.
During the maintenance from 07:00 to 16:00 no backup and restore is possible, furthermore... [mehr]

[Update][solved] Restriction on certificate creation from 10-JAN-2025 until 24-MAR-2025 (beendet)
From: 10.01.2025 / 00:01
To: 24.03.2025 / 23:00

Update 24.03.25
The creation of certificates is now possible again via our self-service portal: https://selfservice.tu-dresden.de/services/certificate-management/overview

Update 2025-03-12
Server certificates may be supplied... [mehr]

[Update][solved] Centreon Notification - message group drive, from 22-MAR-2025, 14:00 (beendet)
From: 22.03.2025 / 14:00
To: 24.03.2025 / 10:00

[Update] 24.03.2025, 08:35 a.m.
The settings have now been adjusted, the correct statuses are sent.

[Update] 24-MAR-2025, 08:25 a.m.
As things stand, the status means that the status of the group drives cannot currently be... [mehr]

TU Dresden's website (WebCMS) under maintenance (beendet)
From: 21.03.2025 / 21:00
To: 21.03.2025 / 22:00

Due to necessary maintenance work, the website of TU Dresden (WebCMS) will
be unavailable temporarily on March 21, 2025 between 09:00 pm and 10:00 pm.

Installation MS Exchange 2019 CU 15, 14.03.25 07:00 - 21.03.25 17:00 Uhr (beendet)
From: 14.03.2025 / 07:00
To: 21.03.2025 / 17:00

Cumulative Update 15 must be installed in the Exchange cluster.
Effects on the availability of the service are not to be expected.

Maintenance work on the help system for OPAL & ONYX, 21-MAR-2025, 05:00 - 09:00 a.m. (beendet)
From: 21.03.2025 / 05:00
To: 21.03.2025 / 09:00

On Friday, 21-MAR-2025, maintenance work will be carried out on the OPAL and ONYX help system from 05:00 a.m. - 09:00 a.m. The help system will not be available during this time. The OPAL / OPAL School learning platform and ONYX... [mehr]

Maintenance Rundmailtool, 19-MAR-25, 1:30 pm - 20-MAR-25 10:00 am (beendet)
From: 19.03.2025 / 13:30
To: 20.03.2025 / 09:48

The service will not be available during this period.

The circular mail service will be deactivated at around 10:30 am. Approved circular mails will then be sent after maintenance.

No update of the call list in the WebEx app, 18.03.25, as of 12:00 noon (beendet)
From: 18.03.2025 / 12:00
To: 19.03.2025 / 12:00

The call list for made and missed calls is currently not updated in the softphone (WebEx app). VoIP deskphones are not affected.

Maintenenace Backup Server, 18.03.25, 07:00 - 16:00 Uhr (beendet)
From: 18.03.2025 / 07:00
To: 18.03.2025 / 16:00

The backup server environment will be completely shut down on 18.03.25. All systems will be updated. Infrastructure systems can be updated.
During the maintenance from 07:00 to 16:00 no backup and restore is possible, furthermore... [mehr]

Configuration change eduroam, 17.03.25, 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr (beendet)
From: 17.03.2025 / 17:00
To: 17.03.2025 / 19:00

On 2025-03-17 there will be a configuration change on the eduroam in the period from 17:00 - 19:00.
When applying the changes, there will be brief interruptions to the connection, after which the client will need to... [mehr]

Restricted access to certificate overview in the self-service portal, from 17-MAR-2025, 09:45 a.m. (beendet)
From: 17.03.2025 / 10:15
To: 17.03.2025 / 15:43

It is currently not possible to access the certificate overview in the self-service portal:

We are already working hard on a solution, please be... [mehr]

VM management in the self-service portal - Research Cloud, from 17-MAR-2025, 08:00 a.m. (beendet)
From: 17.03.2025 / 08:05
To: 17.03.2025 / 09:09

There are currently restrictions on the management of VMs.
Currently, only VMs from the Enterprise Cloud can be managed via the self-service portal.

Maintenance work in the DMS E, Q and P system, 13.03.2025 from 16:00 (beendet)
From: 13.03.2025 / 12:17
To: 13.03.2025 / 19:00

Maintenance work is planned for Thursday, 13.03.2025 from 16:00 in the Document Management
system (DMS) in the form of installation of the latest MS updates.
Subject to unforeseeable results, this can be completed after 2... [mehr]

Self-service portal restriction: Self-service portal restriction: Creation of new Windows server VMs (beendet)
From: 13.03.2025 / 11:15
To: 13.03.2025 / 15:00

It is currently not possible to create Windows Server VMs in the Enterprise and Research Cloud.

We are already working on a solution, please be patient.

[Update] LimeSurvey - Restricted access to content, from 18-FEB-2025, 11 a.m., Sending e-mails (beendet)
From: 18.02.2025 / 11:00
To: 12.03.2025 / 17:26

There are currently some restrictions on the use of LimeSurvey.

If you are affected, simply change the network you are using, e.g. at home or via a mobile hotspot.
This will allow you to access collected data or other... [mehr]

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