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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Update of the invoice portal Classifier (beendet)
From: 08.07.2021 / 06:00
To: 12.07.2021 / 12:00
On Thursday, 08.07.2021, an update of the invoice portal Classifier
will be carried out. During the update, access to the web portal will not be possible.
We plan that the system will be available to you as usual by Monday 12.07.2021 at the latest.

The update does not include any changes to the user interface, but
mainly to the technical infrastructure.

In order to keep the number of open processes as low as possible at the time of the update, we ask that all correct workflows be released by 06.07.2021 at 14:00 o'clock.

If you have any questions, please contact dml@tu-dresden.de with "ERV" in the subject line.

Thank you for your understanding.
Your DML team

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