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Windows Server 2012R2 malfunction (VMware VMs only) - Update: Solution for self-repair (beendet)
From: 15.10.2021 / 08:00
To: 15.10.2021 / 18:00
Update 5:30 p.m.: Complete manual for handling the issue: https://otrs.zih.tu-dresden.de/otrs/customer.pl?Action=CustomerFAQZoom;ItemID=546

Update 1:15 p.m.: As an alternative, the driver signature check can be deactivated via F8 at startup and Windows be started in Safe Mode. After that, rolling back the driver to the previous version is possible.

Update 10:15 a.m.: The cause is a driver for the pvscsi controller installed by Microsoft as part of the updates. There are instructions on the Internet for repairing this:
and can be done by yourself using the VMware console.

ATTENTION: Read carefully! When removing the drivers using "dism /image:E:\ /remove-driver /driver:oem<N>.inf", the <N> from the previously queried list must be inserted.


There have been problems with updates on Windows Server 2012R2 virtual machines using the pvscsi driver, since at least Thursday, 14.10.2021. After rebooting, these servers do not boot up again, they hang in the repair console.

If you still have a working Windows 2012, please postpone the current updates until further notice. ZIH is trying to identify the specific cause as soon as possible.

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