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Problems with storage services / data storage applications (beendet)
From: 16.08.2022 / 13:58
To: 16.09.2022 / 18:00
Currently, there are issues with several storage services. Affected services:
- virtual machines
- enterprise cloud
- Group drives

The problem is known and a solution is already being worked on.

Update 31.08.:
The hardware failure still exists. If a repair still succeeds, the
data will be made available separately to RO.

All affected group drives are back online at the usual server.
"readwrite" online.

Exceptions are those that are too large. These are available on the new server in the TRE.
Their admins have been informed personally and can still arrange for the RW switching.
the RW-switching.

The RO path of the drives on the data gateway is still available. The drive paths
have the temporary name <glwname>-do-not-use

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