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[Update] Restrictions on sending mail (beendet)
From: 07.12.2022 / 12:56
To: 08.12.2022 / 12:00
Update 12/08, 10:30am: The restarts have been successful and sending e-mails is possible again.

Update 12/08:, 07:30 am: Several server restarts are necessary to solve the problem. This will be done in the course of the morning.

update 4:30pm: Unfortunately, individual cases continue to occur, and work is continuing at full speed to find a solution. Please use your browser in the meantime: https://msx.tu-dresden.de

Update 3:30 pm: The error has been corrected. Please restart the e-mail client (programme) if the message still appears.

There are currently restrictions in sending mail.
A solution is already being worked on at full speed, we ask for a little patience.

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