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Störung Tape Library TS4500 TRE (beendet)
From: 09.01.2023 / 10:00
To: 10.01.2023 / 14:30
Update 10.01.23 14:10:
IBM has replaced the affected hardware and the tape library is working again.
It is possible that individual backup servers will still have to be restarted; our colleagues will take action as required.

Due to a hardware malfunction, there may currently be problems on individual backup servers. Error messages of the type

"Server has no more data storage area"

may occur.

Restoring files from tapes managed by the affected hardware is also currently not possible. There has been no loss of data, only the access hardware is affected.
Possible error message:

"File is currently not available on the server".

ZIH is working together with IBM to rectify the fault.

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