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Zoom Change of telephone dial-in - action required (beendet)
From: 20.03.2023 / 08:00
To: 17.04.2023 / 23:59
On April 13, 2023, at around 9:00 a.m., all Zoom meetings will be switched to a new telephone dial-in number, which will be used exclusively from that time on: +49 69 389 805 96.

Invitations initiated via Zoom for meetings after the above-mentioned date will continue to contain the old invalid dial-in numbers. Please inform your participants about the changed dial-in number via your own channels.

Your action is required to update the dial-in number for existing meetings in Zoom itself as of the above date:

Go to the Zoom website [1], select the edit button of the respective meeting and then go to the save button. The new dial-in number is then stored.

[1] https://tu-dresden.zoom.us/meeting

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