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Videocampus Sachsen -VCS- maintenance work for update to version 5.3.1 [Update] (beendet)
From: 27.03.2023 / 16:00
To: 30.03.2023 / 14:41

30-MAR-23 2:00 PM
The display problems have been fixed. If they still occur, clear the page's cache once with the key combination CTRL + F5. Access to TUD's own playlists is still restricted.

Work continues on playlist access and video playback format/display.

Currently there are restrictions on accessing your own files, a solution is already being worked on.


From Tuesday, 28-MAR-2023, 4pm to Wednesday, 29-MAR-2023, 9 am maintenance work and necessary data migrations will be carried out to prepare the update to version 5.3.1

During this time the Videocampus Sachsen (VCS) will not be available.

In preparation for the update all media uploads will be disabled from Monday, 27-MAR-2023, 4 p.m. until the maintenance is complete so that no ongoing transcoding processes disrupt the update.

All update information: https://www.bps-system.de/help/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=668663809

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