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Telephony - migration of the connection to the public telephone network (beendet)
From: 09.05.2023 / 09:00
To: 10.05.2023 / 18:00
Telephony - migration of the connection to the public telephone network
On Tuesday 09.05.2023, starting at 08:00 a.m., the migration of the exchange connection of the TU Dresden to the public telephone network to a new provider (Vodafone GmbH) will take place.

It cannot be ruled out that routing problems may still occur between the old and new provider on the day of the changeover and that individual calls (incoming and outgoing) may not work.
If problems still occur on the following day, 10.05.2023, please report them with details (time, A subscriber, B subscriber, problem description) to the service desk (servicedesk@tu-dresden.de).

The TU-internal telephone traffic is not affected by this change.

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