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UPDATE: OneDrive client sync with SharePoint disrupted (beendet)
From: 21.04.2023 / 14:56
To: 12.05.2023 / 12:00
The connection from the OneDrive client to SharePoint is currently faulty.
It is indicated that there is a problem logging in users, followed by an erreor code.

We are currently investigating the problem and therefore ask for your patience.

Update 03.05.23:
To connect the OneDrive client to SharePoint, the configuration needs to be adjusted.*
As administrator of your device, please change it by re-executing the reg file (Windows) or running the script (macOS) from the instructions in the FAQ portal:

[Windows] https://otrs.zih.tu-dresden.de/otrs/customer.pl?Action=CustomerFAQZoom;ItemID=746
[macOS] https://otrs.zih.tu-dresden.de/otrs/customer.pl?Action=CustomerFAQZoom;ItemID=749 (German)

As IT administrator, please change the following property, e.g. via group policy on the devices of your users:
* (The property "SharePointOnPremFrontDoorUrl" must be changed from "https://mysites.tu-dresden.de" to "https://sharepoint.tu-dresden.de").

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