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Windows Terminal Server (Office Collection) Restrictions (beendet)
From: 27.04.2023 / 11:00
To: 28.04.2023 / 15:06
Currently, there are restrictions on accessing the Windows Terminal Server for teaching via the website https://rds.zih.tu-dresden.de/. As a workaround, the Office Collection can be accessed directly through Windows:

1. Access https://rds.zih.tu-dresden.de/ and sign in with your login
2. Open the settings (cogwheel in the upper right corner) and select under "Resources Launch Method" "Download the rdp file".
3. Then click on "Office-Collection" so that the file is downloaded.
(in FAQ: "Screenshot der Einstellungen zur Nutzung der Terminalserver")
4. Then run the downloaded file and log in as described in the FAQ under
"Terminalserver mit Windows Remote-Desktop-Funktion (nur Windows-Nutzende)". (username: "dom\zihlogin")

FAQ article (German):

Please note the maintenance message under https://bs.zih.tu-dresden.de/?action=newsdet&news_id=1542

Update 28.04.23:
Access via the web interface is possible again. If necessary, set the "Resources Launch Method" (see above) to "Open resources in the browser" again. If an error message still appears, clear the cache of your browser, e.g. using the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + DEL. (This will log you out of all web applications!).

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