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[Update] DOMTS: Group Drive Administration (beendet)
From: 07.07.2023 / 13:00
To: 31.08.2023 / 13:00
Please note that the new terminal server DOMTS3.ZIH.TU-DRESDEN.DE is to be used for the administration of group drive accesses.

The previously used machine DOMTS2.ZIH.TU-DRESDEN.DE was switched off on 30.6.2023. DOMTS3 does not take over any settings, the automatic mounting of group drives to the terminal server sessions must be set up once again.

[Update 20-JUL-23] The terminal server "domts2.zih.tu-dresden.de" will finally be switched off on 07-AUG-2023.
Settings and backups can be accessed until this date.

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