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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Conversion of data network connection ABS (beendet)
From: 23.08.2023 / 13:00
To: 23.08.2023 / 17:00
On Wednesday, 23.08.2023, construction work will be carried out on all building connections at the August-Bebel-Str. site from 1 pm to 5 pm in order to connect them to the routers in the WEB via the DWDM route FVZWEB.
Due to the redundancy, no outages are to be expected, although there may be brief
packet losses during the multiple switchovers.

On the following Wednesday, 30.08.2023, the old WEBABS20/H83 connection will be decommissioned between 1 pm and 5 pm in order to equip it with DWDM technology and subsequently connect all buildings to the routers in the WEB via DWDM redundancy.
Due to the redundancy, no failures are to be expected, although there may be brief packet losses during the multiple switchovers.

The following buildings are affected by these measures:
- ABS20
- ABS30
- Gym
- Teaching kitchen
- SLUB branch August-Bebel-Str. (SLUBEW)

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