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[Update] Issuance of personal user and group certificates possible again (beendet)
From: 25.08.2023 / 08:57
To: 19.12.2023 / 07:26
The PKI-DFN for issuing personal user and group certificates has expired on 08/30/2023.

Status 06.11.2023: Digital certificates via the issuer Sectigo can now be issued again for students, guests and UKD employees.

- User certificates for employees now do not require written verification of the identity check, i.e. the verification note can be entered directly after the identity check.
- User certificates for students can be applied for if the identity verification note has been entered by the Service Desk after an informal identity check at the Service Desk or via video identification.
- Guests and employees of the UKD should contact the Service Desk in the same way as students. After an informal identity check at the Service Desk or via video identification, the identity verification note is also entered by the Service Desk.
Once the identity check has been completed, the application is the same for everyone in the user certificate administration in the Self Service Portal

Status 16.10.2023: The issuing of user certificates via the SSP is possible for employees of the TU Dresden. The prerequisite is a successful identity check.
User certificates for guests, UKD employees and students cannot yet be applied for.
Group certificates can be applied for by sending an informal e-mail to the Service Desk from the contact person of the function login. For this, the details of the function login and a meaningful name/designation are required. After pre-processing, the applicants will receive an invitation email and a brief instruction for the further steps.
Status 27.09.2023: The issuing of user certificates via the Self Service Portal is available again, please use Chrome for this.

Status 26.09.2023: It is currently not possible to apply for a user certificate via the SSP; after an application has been made, the error message "Server error, please try again later" appears.

Status 14.09.2023 The issuing of user certificates via the Self Service Portal is available. Persons who have already completed an identity check in the past can now apply for a user certificate there. For persons who have not yet undergone an identity check, the identity check is carried out via the Service Desk or the decentralised persons authorised to check in the areas. This only applies to persons who are listed in the SAP as employees of the TU Dresden. This does not apply to pure guests, students without a SHK/WHK contract and UKD employees.

Status 04.09.2023 The issuance of server certificates via Sectigo is working again. The issuing of user and group certificates is still not possible.

Status 09/01/2023: The issuance of user, group and server certificates via Sectigo is currently not working, ACME shall not be affected.

Status 08/30/2023: Certificates applied for and approved via DFN-PKI until 08/29/2023 retain their validity for the entire term.
No new certificates can be applied for or approved via the previous procedures (paper application via DFN-PKI and EVAZert) from 30.08.2023.
From 01.09.2023, personal user certificates and group certificates for digital signature and encryption, including of e-mails, should be provided via the new provider Sectigo using a new procedure. Due to structural changes at Sectigo, it is not possible to issue user certificates and group certificates.
PINs already issued via the old procedure and new PINs issued from 30.08.2023 onwards will lose their effectiveness.

The issuance of Coupon IDs via the EVAZert interface is not affected by the disruption.

Information on how to proceed will be added here in due course.

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