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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Migration of Exchange distribution groups to IDM groups (beendet)
From: 06.11.2023 / 07:00
To: 08.11.2023 / 23:00

In the period from 06.11.2023 to 08.11.2023, all existing Exchange distribution groups will be migrated to the IDM group portal.

During the process, it will not be possible to manage the group members. However, the functionality of the Exchange distribution groups is given, i.e. the delivery of e-mails and the use for authorisation assignment is not restricted.

After completion of the migration, the administration of the group memberships is carried out via the self-service portal, administration in OWA and Outlook is then no longer possible. However, the editing of all other Exchange-specific group settings will remain in OWA/Outlook.

All administrators of Exchange distribution groups will be informed directly about the change.

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