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Exchange of the Shibboleth IdP certificate (beendet)
From: 04.01.2024 / 10:00
To: 04.01.2024 / 11:00

The current Shibboleth IdP SAML certificate expires on 09.01.2024. The Shibboleth IdP currently offers both certificates for the switch. It is planned to switch to the new certificate on 04.01.2024.

This certificate is required for encrypted requests to the Shibboleth IdP and for checking the signed responses. From 04.01.2024, there is a risk that authentication will fail for various Shibboleth service providers that do not support a dynamic certificate change. For more information, see [1]. The operators of the service providers known to ZIH will be contacted directly.

[1] https://faq.tickets.tu-dresden.de/otrs/public.pl?Action=PublicFAQZoom;ItemID=975

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