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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Modification of the Autonomous Systems of the Backbone Routers (beendet)
From: 05.02.2024 / 17:00
To: 08.02.2024 / 23:55
Modification of the Autonomous Systems of the Backbone Routers
From February 5th to February 8th, 2024, necessary configuration changes
(change of internal AS numbers) will be carried out on the backbone routers
from 17:00 each day. The changes will be carried out one after the other on
the redundantly arranged backbone router pairs, so that they are generally
non-disruptive - subject to unforeseeable events. Only ISDN telephony may
experience brief interruptions, including dropped calls.

For the time being, no changes are required on the side of external facilities
connected via BGP.

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