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End of support for MacOSX Cisco IPSec Client at the central Cisco VPN gateway (beendet)
From: 04.03.2024 / 07:00
To: 04.03.2024 / 08:00
In the announcement on the hardware replacement of the VPN gateway dated May 4, 2023, it was already pointed out that the Cisco IPSec client will only be supported to a limited extent under MacOSX. Apart from the fact that more secure ciphers cannot be used with that client, it only supports the insecure hash algorithm SHA1.

For security reasons, support for the Cisco IPSec client under MacOSX will therefore be switched off on the 4th of March 2024. This change affects VPN connections to vpn2.zih.tu-dresden.de and adminvpn.zih.tu-dresden.de.
The Cisco AnyConnect Client or OpenVPN can be used instead. Instructions for these can be found at

The current users of the MacOSX Cisco IPSec Client known to ZIH will be directly informed about the change in advance.

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