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[Update 14-MAR-2024] Restrictions Matrix service (beendet)
From: 12.03.2024 / 08:47
To: 15.03.2024 / 08:36
Update 14-MAR-2024 The exchange of messages via the federation is disrupted. We are still working on a solution, so please be patient.

Update 13-MAR-2024 There are currently restrictions for users of the Federation and other matrix servers.
An update is planned for the next night run - please be patient.

Update 12-MAR-2024 09:30 am: The service is available again. Some messages that were sent in encrypted form during the disruption may no longer be able to be decrypted.
Element-Web has been updated to the latest version. The Matrix-Doku is currently not available.

The Matrix service is currently disrupted. Colleagues are working to resolve the problem

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