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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


[Solved] Datashare: Maintenance (beendet)
From: 29.05.2024 / 07:00
To: 29.05.2024 / 18:00
[Solved] The service is available again, it may be necessary to reload the page.

[Update] After logging in again on the website, the personal data is not displayed, we are already working hard on a solution, we ask for your patience.
The app is fully usable.

On Wednesday, the 29th of May, from 07:00 to approximately 09:00, maintenance
work will be done.

The Nextcloud and Collabora versions will be updated and some optimizations
will be applied on the Datashare cluster.
Additionally, the Integration of LDAP groups and external storages will be

During the mentioned timespan, the Datashare service will not be available.
Nextcloud clients and other (Web)DAV connections will not synchronize with the
cloud. Public (link) shares will not be accessible either.

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