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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Planned HPC downtime July 8-16 (beendet)
From: 08.07.2024 / 06:00
To: 16.07.2024 / 20:00
All HPC systems (including file systems) will be down in the week from July 8 to July 12 due to construction work on the cooling infrastructure. This work is a prerequisite for further extensions in our HPC machine room.
We will use the downtime for several needed updates on our systems.
Tthe final rsync from /beegfs to /data/horse/beegfs has started. Newer changes at the source path will not be copied.

Update 12.07.2024:
Unfortunately, work on the cooling infrastructure has been delayed.
After that, our updates have yet to be tested, before we can start the sytems cluster by cluster.
We will keep you informed.

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