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New Perimeter Firewall at TU Dresden (beendet)
From: 02.07.2024 / 16:00
To: 02.07.2024 / 16:15
The perimeter firewall of TU Dresden (previously called Central Firewall
(ZFW)) will be replaced by new equipment from another manufacturer.
On Tue. 02.07.2024 from 16:00 - 16:15 - subject to unforeseeable events - there will
be a short outage of the Internet connection (<5 min.) of the TU Dresden, the University Hospital Dresden, as well as all other users within the campus network. Likewise, all public services of TU Dresden will not be available from outside the campus network during this time. Data traffic within the campus network will not be affected.

Upfront to the changeover, no more changes will be made to the ZFW rules from Monday, 24.06.2024. The majority of the rules will be translated automatically. Following the changeover, all service operators offering a public service should test whether it is still working properly.

There will also be a change to Network Address Translation (NAT):
All private networks for which the source address is translated centrally at the ZFW (source NAT) will be translated to any public addresses from central pools after the changeover. The fragmented translation of specific networks to specific public addresses will be discontinued. Private user networks will be translated to public addresses from the pool, private server networks to If the previous public address is registered/enabled somewhere externally, it must be updated to the new NAT ranges.

Please inform the people in your area of responsibility.
If you have any queries, please contact grp-zih-nk-fw@msx.tu-dresden.de.

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