Dienste des ZIH
Backup Datennetz Exchange Hochleistungsrechnen Internet-Anbindung
Lizenz-Server Login Shibboleth Software-Verteilung

Weitere zentrale Dienste der TUD

Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


[Update] Resolved: Restrictions Terminalserver / SPSS (beendet)
From: 11.11.2024 / 14:18
To: 14.11.2024 / 14:30
[Update] 14-NOV-2024: The service is available again normally.

[Update] 13-NOV-2024: There are still some restrictions when accessing the terminal server.

[Update] 12-NOV-2024: The use of SPSS 30 is now possible. An activation message can be confirmed with 'Apply existing license'.

There are currently some restrictions on the use of the terminal server and SPSS 30.

We are already working hard on a solution, please be patient.

Alternatively, you can access the Office Collection in the following way:
- Log in
- Now select the gear wheel at the top right and change the 'Start method for resources' to 'Download RDP file'
- Execute the file, the download starts after clicking on 'Office-Collection', and enter in the login mask above: dom\IHRzihLogin
and the corresponding password at the bottom

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