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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Network and telefony outage MAR site, 05.04.2025, 10:00 - 14:00 (anstehend)
From: 05.04.2025 / 10:00
To: 05.04.2025 / 14:00
On Sat. 05.04.2025 there will be a total outage of the data network connection including telephony in the entire Marschnerstraße campus (MAR, DÜR, LIZ, PEZ, WIK, BA Dresden, Mensa Johannstadt, St. Benno) due to a power cut.
Due to the power shutdown from approx. 08:30 - 14:00, the two backbone routers that supply the entire site will fail from approx. 10:30, as the UPS only has a holding time of approx. 2 hours. As a result, the data network connection between the buildings on the site, as well as the connection to the TU campus network or Internet & VoIP telephony, will fail. Although the local ISDN system is UPS-supported, we can no longer provide a guarantee due to its age - a failure is to be expected shortly after the power cut. This means that reliable emergency telephony will not be available in TU buildings on this day - please use mobile telephony or other external alternatives.
The local data network in the TU buildings directly affected by the power cut will fail immediately due to the lack of UPS or much sooner due to lower UPS runtime.
The local data network in the TU buildings not directly affected by the power shutdown & any local resources available there are available throughout. However, the Wi-Fi will fail together with the routers.
Please inform the people in your area of responsibility.

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