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Information about current phishing mail (beendet)
From: 25.06.2015 / 12:00
To: 30.06.2015 / 12:00
Since June 23, 2015 is a phishing mail to e-mail addresses of the Technical University of Dresden, which is apparently dispatched from the address servicedesk@tu-dresden.de. In this one link is stored which offers the download of a version 1.1.

This e-mail is not like the emails from the service desk signed and has been sent by unknown third parties with the aim of identity theft.
Therefore this email should be deleted. If you still have this link in the email entered your personal data, please contact the Service Desk.

Information about phishing, visit the website of the Office of Information Security: http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/rektoratskollegium/prorektor_universitaetsplanung/stabsstelle_informationssicherheit/it-sicherheit/intern/phishing

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