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Upgrade Cloudstore-Service (beendet)
From: 09.12.2015 / 10:00
To: 15.12.2015 / 15:00
Dear Cloudstore users,

due to a software upgrade the ZIH service Cloudstore will be down from
December 13, 2015 18:00 to Decemeber 15, 2015 12:00.
The upgrade is necessary as the software version currently used shows
significant performance problems.

We recommend you the following:
1. Synchronize the files you need during the downtime to your local
computer until December 13,2015 18:00.
2. Don't change any file in the local cloudstore directory on your
computer during the downtime.
3. If you need to work on a file during the downtime, copy it from
your local Cloudstore directory to another one and work with this
copy. Only copy this file back to your Cloudstore directory on you
local computer, after the downtime and after you have reconnected
to the ZIH Cloudstore server for the first time.

Before the downtime a backup of all user files on the Cloudstore server
will be made.
The backup of the files on your local computer is your own responsibility,
as stated in the Cloudstore terms of use signed by you.

We appreciate your understanding.

With kind regards,
your Cloudstore team

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