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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Disruption of power supply, network access and telephony (beendet)
From: 09.02.2016 / 13:00
To: 13.03.2016 / 19:00
due to urgent building activities by order of SIB (see information provided by Dezernat 4) power supply, network access as well as telephony will be disrupted at the following buildings:
* Georg-Schumann-Straße 7a / Institutsgebäude: Feb 15 2016, 3pm - 9pm
* Georg-Schumann-Straße 7 (von-Mises-Bau) / Hauptgebäude: Feb 16 2016, 2pm - 9pm
* Georg-Schumann-Straße 7a / Straßenbaulabor: Feb 17 2016, 3pm - 9pm
* Georg-Schumann-Straße 7 (von-Mises-Bau / Prüfhallen): Feb 19 2016, 6am - 12pm
* Barkhausen-Bau: Feb 20 2016, 7am - 7pm and Feb 21, 7am - 2pm
* Toepler-Bau: March 12, 7am - 4pm

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