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Software Upgrade Datacenter Network - ACI Fabric TRE (beendet)
From: 26.02.2019 / 09:00
To: 28.02.2019 / 18:00
From 26.02.2019 to 28.02.2019 software upgrades of the ACI-Fabric in the TRE are planned. In order to achieve the desired target version, a so-called multi-hop upgrade is necessary - i.e. two complete upgrades of all controllers and switches will be carried out one after the other. ACI components must then be updated on the ESX hosts.

The following times are planned:

Tue, 26.02.: 1st Upgrade Controller and Switches
Mi, 27.02.: 2nd Upgrade Controller and Swiches and Update of ESX-Hosts
Thu, 28.02.: Buffer for necessary reworking

Since only a few redundant services are currently running in the TRE and all affected components are designed redundantly, the work takes place during normal working hours. Subject to unforeseeable accidents, there will be no longer service outages. Nevertheless, short-term disruptions cannot be ruled out.

In order to exclude interactions, no other changes (e.g. commissioning / decommissioning of servers, OS upgrades, ACI configuration, creation of VMs, server restarts, etc.) may be made during the upgrade period.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

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