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Moving all Research VMs to new hardware (beendet)
From: 11.06.2019 / 14:00
To: 11.06.2019 / 16:00
​On 11.06.2019 between 14 and 16 o'clock all VMs of the Research Cloud will move to new server technology.
Since the migration implies a change of the underlying CPU architecture (from currently AMD Opteron 6272 to Intel Xeon Gold 6136), the migration cannot take place during operation. All VMs will be shut down at the beginning of the migration and then restarted.

VM operators should also note the following:

- Due to the CPU architecture change, self-compiled programs optimized for AMD processors will no longer work. These must be recompiled after the move.
This does not affect the installed programs from the official software sources of the Linux distributions. These are optimized for both architectures (AMD and Intel) and continue to work after the move.

- After the migration, the outgoing communication via HTTP and HTTPS in networks outside the TU Dresden will be done via NAT, no longer via a proxy server.
In order to ensure that the servers continue to receive updates, the proxy setting must be removed promptly by the respective VM administrator after the migration.

Remove the proxy settings under Windows Server 2012R2:

Control Panel->Internet Options->Connections->LAN Settings
-> Remove the check mark for "Use proxy server for LAN".

Remove the proxy settings under Linux:

The following variables must be removed in the file /etc/environment:


In addition, the PROXY_ENABLED variable in the file /etc/sysconfig/proxy must be set to "no".

The proxy settings for the central package management under Ubuntu are in the file /etc/apt/apt.conf. The following variables must be removed there:


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