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Informationen zur ausgewählten Ankündigung / Meldung


Data network restrictions (beendet)
From: 06.02.2020 / 10:20
To: 06.02.2020 / 16:00
From: 06.02.2020 / 10:20
Until: 06.02.2020 / 16:00 hours
Unfortunately, on 06.02. there were the following restrictions in the data network:
At 11:20 and 13:50 in the TRE and surroundings during a test of new firewall technology.
Symptoms: Connection problems in TRE, REC, ASB, BZW, CHM, SEM
At 15:35 the redundancy takeover was delayed after a partial failure on a core router.
Symptoms: Connection problems on campus
At 15:45 peak load on the outside of the central firewall system.
Symptoms: Worse response times to external destinations

Please excuse the inconvenience caused.

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