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Extension and replacement ACI Spine Switches LZR (beendet)
From: 28.01.2021 / 12:00
To: 01.02.2021 / 18:00
In the ACI fabric in the LZR, the spine switches will be replaced by current models. In the process, the number of switches will be increased from the current 2 to 3 switches - and thus also the redundancy.

The spine switches connect all other (leaf) switches with each other, other end devices are not connected here. First, an additional spine switch is installed and commissioned. Then the two existing switches are replaced one by one. During the conversion work, at least 66% of the nominal network bandwidth (usually 240GBit/s per leaf switch) to the spine switches is always available.

Time sequence:
Thu, Jan 28, 2021, from 5pm - Commissioning of a 3rd switch (new generation).
Mon, 01.02.2021, 9am - 6pm - Decommissioning of the old and commissioning of the remaining two new switches

Barring unexpected events, there will be no loss of connectivity or downtime of connected devices and services during the work.

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