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Lizenz-Server Login Shibboleth Software-Verteilung

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Malfunction with logins via Shibboleth (beendet)
From: 24.04.2021 / 10:00
To: 27.04.2021 / 07:20
ZIH needed to lift Shibboleth to the latest version. To do this, a second IdP was put into service for a transition period to give all service users time to pivot. Some have already pivoted to the new IdP. As a result, logon errors may now occur.
The typical error message is:

Web login service for members of Technische Universität Dresden - Uncaught Exception.
A Software error was encountered that prevents normal operation: net.shibboleth.utilities.java.support.logic.ConstraintViolationException: Values must not be null

ZIH is currently investigating the problem and working on fixing it. Unfortunately, no statement can be made about the duration at the moment.

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