Dienste des ZIH
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Weitere zentrale Dienste der TUD

Abgelaufene Ankündigungen / Meldungen

1 .. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 .. 81

Electrical inspection of the ISDN telecommunications systems (2nd part) (beendet)
From: 29.07.2020 / 06:00
To: 30.07.2020 / 20:00

From 29.07.2020 to 30.07.2020 the electrical inspection of the ISDN telecommunications systems will take place in accordance with the DGUV.

Subject to unforeseeable events, there will be no impairment of the voice service.

VoIP migration and DV network conversion main building Tharandt (beendet)
From: 20.07.2020 / 09:00
To: 24.07.2020 / 16:00

In the week from 20.07.2020 to 24.07.2020 the active data processing technology in the main building Tharandt will be renewed and the migration of telephony to VoIP will be carried out.

On 20.07.2020 and 21.07.2020 the data... [mehr]

Work on the GoToMeeting account of the TU Dresden (beendet)
From: 16.07.2020 / 15:03
To: 22.07.2020 / 08:39

On Tuesday, 21.07.2020, there will be maintenance work on the GoToMeeting account of the TU Dresden. The work will start at 6:00 p.m. and will probably be completed by 7:00 a.m. the following day. Please do not schedule any... [mehr]

GSM Maintenance (beendet)
From: 21.07.2020 / 00:00
To: 21.07.2020 / 23:59

The master and the sensors are not available during this time

Working on the Web servers (beendet)
From: 17.07.2020 / 15:21
To: 18.07.2020 / 15:21

Today, on 17.07., work on the web servers is being carried out. In the time between 21:00 - 22:00 the TUD web presence will not be available.

Switching off the electrical power supply (beendet)
From: 11.07.2020 / 07:00
To: 11.07.2020 / 09:30

Due to work on the low-voltage main distribution system in Binderbau, there will be a failure of the electrical power supply in Binderbau and parts of Toeplerbau (TOE 15 - 30, TOE114 - 118, TOE135 - 139) on Saturday 11.07.2020... [mehr]

electrical inspection of the ISDN telecommunications systems (beendet)
From: 08.07.2020 / 06:00
To: 08.07.2020 / 20:00

On 08.07.2020 the electrical inspection of the ISDN telecommunications systems will take place in accordance with the DGUV.

Subject to unforeseeable events, there will be no impairment of the voice service.

Rebuild Backbone-Router + Firewall Tharandt (Part 2) (beendet)
From: 08.07.2020 / 09:00
To: 08.07.2020 / 15:00

0900 - 1300:
Changing the building switches onto the Nexus routers - this causes a short interruption of all networks in the respective building.

1300 - 1400:
Change of the L3 interfaces - this causes a short interruption of... [mehr]

Maintenance Centreon (beendet)
From: 07.07.2020 / 07:00
To: 07.07.2020 / 09:00

On Tuesday 07th of July, from 07:00 to 09:00, maintenance work will be done on the centreon.

During the time period, the website won't be available. Also the host-monitoring will be temporarily interrupted.

WHB network and telephony down (beendet)
From: 29.06.2020 / 09:11
To: 29.06.2020 / 20:04

Since 27.06.2020 a part of the Werner Hartmann building is without data network and telephony. The reason is a defect UPS. The fault will be rectified this morning. After that, however, until the UPS is replaced, there is no... [mehr]

Störung MATRIX (beendet)
From: 26.06.2020 / 08:20
To: 27.06.2020 / 08:20

Bitte nutzen Sie den Workaround über den Browser, die Kollegen arbeiten
bereits daran, das Problem so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.
1. https://riot.im/app/#/welcome öffnen
2. "Anmelden" klicken
3.... [mehr]

Impairment of data network and telephony in the BZW (beendet)
From: 22.06.2020 / 06:00
To: 26.06.2020 / 20:00

At the BZW, in the week from 22.06.2020 to 26.06.2020 in the
data distribution rooms of the ZIH of Department 4 the legally required
Inspection of stationary electrical equipment carried out. As a result
this leads to temporary... [mehr]

Software download server rsoft.zih.tu-dresden.de not accessible (beendet)
From: 17.06.2020 / 14:00
To: 19.06.2020 / 16:35

The software download server rsoft.zih.tu-dresden.de is currently not available.
This is connected with a limited function of Campus Saxony (no ordering of Office for employees and Windows for employees possible). We're working... [mehr]

Störung GoToMeeting (beendet)
From: 17.06.2020 / 09:00
To: 19.06.2020 / 09:00

Aktuell ist GTM gestört. Das Problem liegt auf der Seite des Anbieters:
Der Anbieter ist informiert und arbeitet an der Beseitigung.

Access to Taurus possible again (beendet)
From: 14.05.2020 / 08:00
To: 18.06.2020 / 08:00

The service is available again for users in the campus network.

SharePoint currently not available (beendet)
From: 16.06.2020 / 08:00
To: 16.06.2020 / 10:00

At the moment the SharePoint of TU Dresden is not available. We are working on the elimination of the problem.

Update 9:50: The service is available again.

SharePoint currently not available (beendet)
From: 16.06.2020 / 08:00
To: 16.06.2020 / 10:00

At the moment the SharePoint of TU Dresden is not available. We are working on the elimination of the problem.

Update: 9:50 - SharePoint is available again.

Upgrade Operating system FusionForge (beendet)
From: 15.06.2020 / 13:00
To: 15.06.2020 / 16:00

​The operating system for FusionForge will be updated on June 15. The system will be down for 2-3 hours from 13:00.

Malfunctions ISDN (beendet)
From: 09.06.2020 / 13:27
To: 14.06.2020 / 23:59

Incoming external telephone numbers are displayed in the ISDN area with "telephone number unknown"

Call forwarding to the office does not work at present, if an external subscriber calls a TU number. There is no dial... [mehr]

Conditional switch-off of the Digital ID Card (Shibboleth) (beendet)
From: 03.06.2020 / 08:00
To: 12.06.2020 / 17:00

On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, the repeated request for permission to transmit data to TU-internal service providers (Digital ID Card) will be switched off. This means that consent will then only be required once when logging on to a... [mehr]

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::. grafische History .::

1 .. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 .. 81